MTSA Department Representatives
Below are organizations affilated with MTSA and individuals representing those organizations.
Community Mental Health (CMH)
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
Michigan Interagency Transition Team (MITT) Liaison
Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) Representative
Jennifer Hirst
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Delegate/Alternate
Kristin White/Beth Santer
MTSA Chairpersons & MTSA Members-At-Large
The following individuals represent chair positions for specified organizational operations.
MTSA Archives
Jo Cherry
MTSA Awards/Exhibitor Sponsors
Shannon McVoy
MTSA Information Technology (Website/Social Media/Newsletter)
Stacie Rulison
MTSA Membership
Staci Anderson
MTSA Transition Issues(TIC) & Legislative
Jason Towler